First of all, My computer had a good recovery, my dad fixed it, and it's as good as new. Although, I losteverything I had in my computer, including my 12,000 song library, my FL Studio and my project files.
The FL Studio thing isn't really a problem because I can just re-install it, but the project file thing could serve a problem, because I had some project files which I really refret losing, like the Electro Corpse file, which I was going to extend, but meh, I'll get over it, prepare yourselves for more music to come.
In other news, there might be a possible album release in the near future, maybe End of Septembet or something like that, I'm uncertain about it though because I haven't found the time to make music, what with exams coming up and all that, but I'll have a lot of time in summer when I'm not with my friends or at soccer camp, don't worry, I won't leave you guys dry, I haven't got many followers but the few I have rock :D
Next in line, There might be or might not be a couple of remixes in the near future, which I'm going to start working on very soon, one of them being a remix of a particular Royksopp song which I will release details about in the next newspost, which will be in a very long time :P
Last in the agenda, someone put my song 'Underwater Scenic Route' in the Newgrounds Picks channel on youtube! I'd like to thank whoever it is and I appreciate it, No better thing for a musician than exposure these days huh? rtx0
So thanks everyone for following me, giving me inspiration and being there for me, there's better things to come, and soon ;)
Sad to hear that you lost your project files, but I wish you luck for your exams!
Thanks :D