Fantastic, This is one of the best Techno songs I have Heard to date, I cannot believe or withstand the amount of techno in it xD. The Bass is simply amazing and the bassline dominates. The way you incorporated effects with the sounds such as the police siren, as far as I heard,, was amazing. The drums, were cool yet very different from the main melody because everything was hectic and the drums were quite plain....
The main melody was fascinating in my opinion because it was unique and wasn't at all generic.
The bad parts :
The 'this is my addiction' voice got very annoying, you shouldn't have added the voice that much, maybe half the time.
The laser effect with the drums, were good but, annoying as the before-mentioned voice.
The intro and outtro were spectacular.
The intro prepares you for some ambient-ish song, and then.....BOOM! Drums and Melody which compliment tha bassline.
The outtro was pretty good, It was subtle, but also interesting. So Here it is