
208 Audio Reviews

124 w/ Responses


Review Start :

Since it's a WIP I can't judge it directly in everything, so I have to be honest and fair.I can picture this song in a movie, in the beginning and whatnot, it sounds cinematic, has a movie feel to it, you get the drill. Yes, as you said in the author's comments, this is orchestral, but I disagree with you, you're actually very good in this, if you extend it, add some SS54 epicness and squeeze in some rock drums and a lot of string chords, this would be an instant classical great!

Now for the technicalities :
Drums :

I can't judge much on drums since there's only a few hits here and there to fill and make it sound deeper, but the drums themselves sounded good quality-wise, you didn't overuse them and you inserted them in just the right places, which is a win ^^

Instruments :

Instruments, hmmmm, well there's a good enough balance of instruments, not too much that you can't follow, but not too little that you get bored listening to the song, so points for that too.
The sounds themselves were very clear, but that's JUST E/W :P

Melodies :

The melodies were pristine, they had so much emotion in them, the piano chords were very well chosen out, they incorporated a 'something's gonna happen' feel and they compliment the other instruments.
The strings weren't bad at all, they came in elegantly and blended well with the environment of the whole song.
The brass was my favourite though, it sounded great, so much feeling, such elegance, an EPIC WIN man!
The only problem in this was that the brass stopped, it sounded like it stopped in half of the melody, it felt like it needed at least 2 more bars of melody.

Intro and Outtro :

Oh, got me there ......

......Nope. nothing to say :P

Overall :

Very Nice, I understand it's a WIP so I won't critique on anything else until the full version comes out, which it will :)
Continue on it, I have a good feeling about this one =D


Step responds:

Yay, another amazing review by you!

"Since it's a WIP I can't judge it directly in everything, so I have to be honest and fair."

Fair enough.

"I can picture this song in a movie, in the beginning and whatnot, it sounds cinematic, has a movie feel to it, you get the drill."

That's good right? xD.

"Yes, as you said in the author's comments, this is orchestral, but I disagree with you, you're actually very good in this, if you extend it, add some SS54 epicness and squeeze in some rock drums and a lot of string chords, this would be an instant classical great!"

Well I suppose I'm not too bad at orchestral, but that's probably because I have such good sounds. I'm way better at trailer-score and stuff.

I was thinking about adding rock drums, but I decided against it. I want this to be purely orchestral if I ever continue it.

"Now for the technicalities :"


"Drums :

I can't judge much on drums since there's only a few hits here and there to fill and make it sound deeper, but the drums themselves sounded good quality-wise, you didn't overuse them and you inserted them in just the right places, which is a win ^^"

Heh, if I used Stormdrum on this I'd blow you away :P. But yeah, the percussion was just a quick thing.

"Instruments :

Instruments, hmmmm, well there's a good enough balance of instruments, not too much that you can't follow, but not too little that you get bored listening to the song, so points for that too.
The sounds themselves were very clear, but that's JUST E/W :P"

Yeah xP.

"Melodies :

The melodies were pristine, they had so much emotion in them, the piano chords were very well chosen out, they incorporated a 'something's gonna happen' feel and they compliment the other instruments."

Cool, thank you! I might add some more piano if I ever continue this.

"The strings weren't bad at all, they came in elegantly and blended well with the environment of the whole song."

Yep I like the strings I did in this :D.

"The brass was my favourite though, it sounded great, so much feeling, such elegance, an EPIC WIN man!"

Wow, thanks! That's a solo French Horn.

"The only problem in this was that the brass stopped, it sounded like it stopped in half of the melody, it felt like it needed at least 2 more bars of melody."

Hence 'WiP' :P.

"Intro and Outtro :

Oh, got me there ......

......Nope. nothing to say :P"

I am elated.

"Overall :

Very Nice, I understand it's a WIP so I won't critique on anything else until the full version comes out, which it will :)
Continue on it, I have a good feeling about this one =D"

I'll think about continuing it, but like I said, this is just something I did to let out some inspiration.

Thanks a lot for the amazing review!

Amazing =)

You my friend, are amazing!
The intro can only be described in 1 word, pristine/
The bass and percussion are really good, tehy sound clear and the patterns and glitching are well done!
If you ever wanna collab, shoot me a PM and we'll get started =)



...For your first try ^^
It's immensely funky, but slightly repetetive.
The hats were a bit annoying but I'll let it pass :P
The drums besides the hats were good though =D

Nice job, work on it a bit more though,



Theres not much to comment about because it's basically an ambient melody made of pads.
The one thing I can criticize though is the constant snaps. it would be better if you filtered them, added some delay, and didnt use them that often.
But that's just my idea.


Wow, Just Wow

This is so nice so crisp, so clean, it's just spectacular =D I'm so glad you're back!

Intro :

It's straight to the point, no fiddilling around and cheesy fade ins, it just comes at you, and catches your attention straight away.
That sweep is very nice, I like it, it sounds very technoey.
Then filtered synth, very nice, the synth itself is beautiful and the melody is extremely catchy.

Build-up :

Your usual, catchy melodies and wonderful effects, it's just soo good, you can't help but continue listening, the fact of the matter is, it's just great :P
To be honest, I expected a climax of some sort, it just tayed at the calm rate it started with, which in my opinion isn't so 'fun' in music.

Middle :
That synth isn't very nice, the exactly after the filtered synth in the beginning, it just sounded strange, I don't know how to describe it further. tHE MELODY ITThe melody istelf is very nice and I love the way you used a lot of synths to make it better and add depth to it, it's just awesomme!
Then there's another instrument, it's so cool, I love it, it's a pluck of wonder :P Spectacular! to say the least.

Drums :

They sound great, the drums themselves were very well chosen and the drum beats were great throughout the whole song, but the kick every four beats in the beginning was generic, but the kick fill made it original so it stayed in the 10 mark.

Intruments :

As said before, there are some very well-chosen instruments, some I don't like but that's just personal opinion, They vary a lot and they have a lot of different melodies in each instrument, I love it, keep going like this dude, and you'll be world renowned.

Effects :

So smooth, so clean, and so well chosen...... These effects kept the entire song clean as a whistle and very interesting.

Structure :

Very Nice, the only thing I didn't like was that transition in the middle, it faded out and pads entered, it didn't sound very nice IMO cuz it sounded as if it was skipping to another song, sort of like an album preview, if you know what I'm sayin'.

Overall :

Very nice, I loved this song, It had it's little flaws but the rest was excellent , Nice job!

Sounds very professional, keep it up =D





First of all, nice job, you're getting more and more original dude!

To make a sub bass, open 3xosc, lower the volume to 0 on the first two oscilators and then increase the volume to full on the third, that, in a nutshell is a sub bass :P



Review Start :

Now first off, this song has been remixed by probably hundreds of people on NG, many in my opinion are very nice, some have original melody, some are so wierd that you can't help but listen to it a million times and review, but very few songs have the originality that this one has, nice job steph.

Intro :

The delayed Reverse cymbal in my opinion was horrible, just remove the delay and add some reverb, and remove all the bass from it if possible.
The Piano wasn't half bad, it sounded amazing, and you nailed the melody but I feel you started off too quickly, you should have added a decent intro, not just reverse cymbal and Boom, that's it.
And also, I think you should have added the melody in a higher octave and decreased the velocity, make it half the lower melody.
That guitar, Oh my goodness, so good, it just makes me smile, I's just, WOW.
I love the way you made it that there's a riff every once in a while to keep interesting.

Build-Up :
Spectacular, the drums in it were wonderful, very professionally made and the quality is awesome, stormdrum is just lovely.
Oh yeah, the main melody just hit me, new paragraph....

Middle :
Very Nice, the volume was just right and it varied a lot, it kept it interesting without losing the flavour of the original song.
A lot of different instruments but it was easy to keep up with, It just feels right, as said before.
I can hear woodwinds I think, It could be cuz I'm on my laptop and it has sucky sound which is why i have poor judgement on sounds at the moment :/
The drums weren't anything special, yes I read the author's comments and yes, I know you said you weren't good at fast drums, but you could have tried a little harder IMHO, That open hat doesn't sound right if it's played a lot, i suggest you make it that there's a hi-hat every eighth, so that it's moderate but adds a new element.

Solo :

Awesomesauce, those are some tasty guitar riffs, Pure-Metal did a kickass job on this, it just sounds so good, yes there are some wrong notes (keep the crappy speakers thing in mind) but it was sooo good.
I liked especially the drums in it, they were so nice, just smooth flowing, good quality, original and professionally made.

Instruments :

Nice Flow of instruments, very nice quality and very good choice, all in all the instruments were amazing, especially the strings and guitars, I loved those a lot, nice job.

Drums :
The drums were very good quality and there were a lot of different drum beats, it kept it interestin, which makes me hear the song time after time, what can I say? I'm a drum lover :3

Structure :

Very nice, original and the transitions were fantabolous (lawl, strange words FTW)

Clipping :

Ouch :P, I hear some clipping here and there, but that's a problem that can be dealt with easily.

Overall :

Amazing! Some small imperfections here and there, but still an amazing song, a definite Top 30!

That's it, my longest review, I haven't done a good one in a while and I'm happy that I did this =D
Nice Job, I look forward to hearing both remixes and originals from you, Killer Job!




Step responds:

Whoa dude, massive detailed review! Really appreciate that the first review I ever got on this song is one as helpful as this one, so thanks a million.

Glad you think this remix is original. You know how obsessed I am with originality. If I ever make a generic song, then you can rest assured that I've lost my mind.

Hm, yeah, the intro I did isn't one of my best. Don't know why you don't like the reverse cymbal, I kind of like the way it echoes for a while; gives it a more epic sound. But whatever.

Also regarding how you think it should be started a little better, heck, that's how the original starts :P. And about that thing you mentioned about adding another octave to the piano and making the higher notes' velocity lower... funny thing is, I *did* do that in quite a few parts of the song. You fail xP.

I'm happy you like the guitar. It has a variety of different riffs thanks to Pure-Metal-UTA. Before it used to be just two different patterns - power chords and a very simple rhythm of quick guitar strums. Pure-Metal-UTA went and varied the riffs so much more.

You think the drums are good? Well thanks!

As for the volume, yeah I did spend quite a while trying to get it right, and yeah, in some occasions of the song I used loads of instruments, and at one point I had kicks, snares, cymbals, toms, bass pedals, a French horn, violin staccatos, a piano, a cello, a guitar and orchestral drums all playing at the same time. D:
No woodwinds though :P.

Hm, first you said the drums were good now you're complaining about them. Mind = confused. Also, don't know why the open hat sounds weird when played a lot, and I *did* add a hi-hat every eighth, and a very soft hi-hat every sixteenth, so don't know what you mean about the drums, sorry xP.

Glad you liked the solo, Pure-Metal-UTA sure did a great job on it! I can't hear any wrong notes though, it's probably your speakers. The drums are Stormdrum's orchestral drums and then an old drum beat I made layered on top of it :3.

I'm really happy you think the instruments are well chosen. I just love mixing rock with orchestral.

Wait now you say the drums are good again? Mind = blown.

I'm not usually that good at song structure, so I tried to keep mostly to the structure of the original, but added a few parts here and there, gave some sections more emphasis (such as the solo which doesn't stand out as much as I would've wanted it to in the original), etc... The transitions are good because I'm good at transitions, simple as that :3.

Yep, the song clips. Sowwy :(.

Anyhow, that's one of the longer responses I've done in a while. Sorry that I couldn't do my usual way of responding to large reviews; copy and paste it into my response, quote it and answer it piece by piece. Your review is just too big to paste into the response and have enough space to respond to :P. But yeah, thanks a lot for it, it's really helpful. Honoured to receive your longest review!

Just, Kewl =D

This is so freaky, it's just out of this world, It suits the halloween theme and is very dance-able, which is important, in techno songs :P

It had a jumpy rythm, which I liked, the drums were well-made and the samples weren't so bad either.

The melody, if you can call it that :P. got very repetetive though, That deducts a bit of awesome points :/

The slow, ambient-ish part was well constructed but didn't fit at all.

Overall a very nice song, I liked it and I can see it in some very good flash!

Shoot me a PM, maybe we could collab sometime =D





Just Beautiful, I wish I could make music like this.

It sounds so crisp........

The highpass filter on the kick wasn't very nice though, but overall BEAUTIFUL song.

Is there anyway i can join as a trial artist?


I makez review nao :P

Beautiful, just beautiful.......

I love the sound of it, so crisp and clean, i can hear absolutely no clipping at all.

Now, the sounds......

The lead synth is familiar, but is a classic trance pluck so it don't get any better than that, the melodies you made with it are beautiful, your usual, obviously.

The rest of the synths were MASSIVE!! I loved em all, the purity of this entire track is just.... dude =O =D

A definite win =D

A definite frikkin download =D
Song fav'd


By making a new paragraph, i made the review look good :P

aliaspharow responds:

You didnt even fav it!

. 'If a composer could say what he had to say in words he would not bother trying to say it in music...... '~Gustav Mahler

Daniel B @Decibel




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